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Camino Nuevo

Camino Nuevo
175 Central Ave., Albany, NY 12206

Phone: (518) 729-5659

Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm; Saturday 7:00 am to 12:00 pm


Services Provided: Personalized Health Assessment; Medication assisted treatment including Buprenorphine;

Impaired Driving Program; Intensive Outpatient Services; HIV/Early Intervention Services; Psychiatric

Assessment Management; Individual, group and family counseling; Relapse Prevention and Wellness; Educational/Vocational placement and referrals; Cultural and Recreational Events; Benefits/Entitlements assistance; Monthly Recovery Celebrations

Admission Criteria: Substance Use History; Family Treatment; Adolescent Services: 13-17 years of age and Adult Services: 18 years of age or older.